There is no detail about where and when he was born,
although there is circumstantial evidence to suggest that he was from the
Llandovery area. The name Price of course comes from the Welsh form “ap
Rees/Rhys” (son of Rees) and since the patronymic naming system was common at
this time he could have been named William ap Rees ** (where ** could be any
other name). Other clues might lie in the naming of his children since it was
traditional at this time to name children after paternal grandparents and then
maternal grandparents. William's first boys were John and Morgan and the girls
were Jane and Elizabeth (names which continued to be common in further
generations of the family).
William married twice. No positive record of his first
marriage to Margaret has yet been found unless it be that recorded at
Llandingat (the main parish church of Llandovery) on 8 Sep 1744 "(P)rees William
and Margaret Thomas were married by banns". The only positive thing we can say
is that the marriage must have taken place around 1747 or earlier (the date
when his first son John was baptised at St. Michael's, the Myddfai Parish
Church). The Parish Register records the baptisms of the remaining children -
Jane (1750), Morgan (1753), David (1755), William (1758) and Elizabeth (1761).
His date of birth is also a mystery. The Myddfai parish baptismal
records in the early part of the 18th century are difficult to read but even a close examination has yield no clue.
Surprisingly he has no memorial at St. Michael’s church Myddfai (if there was
one it hasn’t survived). We have no age given in the Parish Records at the time
of his death on 24 July 1799. If we assume that he was about 20 at the date of
his marriage to Margaret then he would have been born around 1725 which would
make him around 75 at the time of his death.
Margaret, William’s first wife and mother of all his
children died in 1777 and in 1779 William married a second time by license at
Myddfai Parish Church (MPC). His second wife's name was Magdalen Rees. She appears to
have been a native of Myddfai and a possible candidate from the Parish Records
is "Magdalen d/o Rees Thomas Lewis and Elizabeth bp. 29 Jan 1733" at MPC. This
would make her 46 at the time of her marriage and about 71 at the time of her
death in 1804.
William is styled Gent. in the parish records and also ‘freeholder’.
This meant that he owned some freehold property and was entitled to vote in
county elections. This together with the fact that he was literate and was able
to send his eldest son to be educated at Oxford implies that he was a man of
some substance and this is confirmed by further evidence including his will.
In order to distinguish him from later Prices of the same name I have called him William Price Tynllwyn, where he lived for at least the latter part of his life. In fact he
did not own Tynllwyn farm - the 1779 Land Tax Assessment shows that the owner
was a Mrs Owens and the occupier was William Price - so he obviously
leased the farm and this is also confirmed in his will. However it is worth noting that the tax assessed (£1-7s-0d)
indicates that Tynllwyn was a considerable property, this being the highest
amount levied in the Myddfai Upper Division. William’s leasehold of Tynllwyn is
confirmed by his will which bequeathed the remainder of the lease of Tynllwyn
to his son Rev. John Price who lived there until his death in 1819. In turn the
lease succeeded for a short time to his son Edward until presumably it expired.
William’s will, which was executed following his death in
1799, was valued at £450 - a considerable sum for the time (£15k - £20k in
today’s terms). It is also possible that he had conveyed some of his property and
wealth to his surviving sons before his death. The will is a valuable resource
for much that follows and so the next post describes it in detail.
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